Benton Day Camp
Cookout & Overnight
Girls entering grades 4-12 have the opportunity to experience a special cookout & overnight at camp! This will take place on Thursday of Day Camp week, and will follow all camping standards listed by Girl Scouts of Oregon & SW Washington.
Campers should pack their gear on Wednesday evening and bring it to camp on Thursday morning.
Cookout & Overnight Packing List
Warm sleeping bag
Extra blanket
Warm pajamas
Clean underwear
Clean socks
Knit hat
Clothes for Friday
Toiletries -- toothbrush, toothpaste, comb or brush, etc.
Mess kit -- plate, bowl, cup and silverware (with camper's name on all)
Dunk bag for dishes (optional)
Pillow (optional)
Medications -- Keep in original container with camper’s name on it. Place in Ziploc bag with written directions for the camp Health Supervisor.
Sack lunch for Friday (in addition to sack lunch for Thursday) -- including a drink. No glass.
Cookout & Overnight Permission Slip for girls entering Grades 4-12
The Cookout & Overnight permission slip is within the online Registration Form.
If you did not complete it within the online Registration Form, here it is by itself: online Cookout & Overnight Permission Slip.
Download and complete the Cookout & Overnight Permission Slip. Include it with camper's Registration.
Please complete form and include with camper’s Registration or give to her Day Camp Unit Leader by Tuesday, July 16