Benton Day Camp
Program Aide In Training (PAIT)
Being a Program Aide is an incredible experience, but with it comes responsibility. The PAIT unit is designed to prepare girls to be PAs the year after and beyond. The training teaches the girls about leadership, communication, how to work with younger girls, teaching strategies, and advanced outdoor skills. PAITs will apply their new skills with the youngest campers.
PAITs will also have opportunity to earn the Leader in Action (LIA) award at camp.
... and PAITs will learn kayaking and observation skills as they kayak up Beaver Creek on the Oregon coast!
Girls entering Grade 7 -9
To Register
Select the PAIT option when registering for Benton Day Camp. The PAIT program has a limit of 16 girls. A waiting list will be created after 16 applicants have registered. The PAIT program is now FULL. A waiting list has been started.
Girls in Benton Service Unit 29 will have priority. They and those with a full-time adult volunteer may register starting April 22. On May 6, girls in other service units will be accepted in the PAIT program if space allows.
Cookout & Overnight
Online Cookout & Overnight Permission Slip is within the Day Camp Registration Form
or a separate online form. You can also download a printable permission slip: Cookout & Overnight Permission Slip.
Kayak Trip Waiver
or download a printable form: Kayak Trip Waiver